Version 1.2.0 of the Indy program has one major new feature, it now runs on Mac OS X. To make maintenance of the program easier, the look of some of the text and graphics that Windows users of the Indy program are used to seeing, was changed. The installation instructions and User Guide now contain text appropriate for Mac OS X users. The names of some of the files that Indy references were changed slightly in that consistent capitalization was used. A file previously named "indypubs.txt", for example, was renamed to "IndyPubs.txt". Image files are another example. The ".jpg" part of the filename could have been capitalized like this: "jpg" or like this: "JPG". Now all image filenames are capitalized like this: "jpg". Version 1.2.0 fixed a bug concerning the Slide Show feature. If a user exited the Slide Show before it was Stopped or Paused, it would continue to sequence through the images even though the dialog box containing the Stop button was no longer on the screen. The only way to stop it was to select it again in the Edit menu and then click the Stop button. Version 1.2.0 fixed another bug that Advanced Users might have experienced. An exception would occur if the user selected Check For Chaff in a configuration that did not include a publisher's image directory. See the help files for additional details.