Version 1.3.1 of the Indy program fixes one significant bug, adds one new feature and includes three small changes: A. The Update Image Database function was fixed. The problem was that it would only work for the very first update that it was asked to do. All subsequent image updates appeared to work as far as the user was concerned, because the program would pop up a dialog box that indicated "Update successful", even though the program would fail to update the list of articles in the database. The problem was that it did not have sufficient file access privileges to rename a backup file (xxbudb.txt) that it wanted to make. B. An example magazine database and example images were added for those users that wanted help creating their own editions of Indy for their personal magazine collections. The example magazine is named: Coloring Book. C. The User Guide selection was deleted from the Help menu. The "IndyUserGuide.htm" file that resides in the Indy installation directory and can be opened by any web browser is much better. It has pictures and document navigation aides. D. The Validate Index Records function in the Advanced menu was changed to allow comments inside database files. E. The copyright and version data was moved to an external file to allow them to be updated easier by the Indy program developers.